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How To Join New Announced PARA-ZIKI Farm [TUTORIAL]

Paraverse just announced a farm we waited for. Beside many other farms with great opportunities, PARA-ZIKI farm will be something special.

Many people already use one or several farms that exist since started to operate. We will mention it: ZIKI-BNB, PARA-BNB, PARA-ETH, PARA-USDT, ZIKI-USDT, PARA-BTC and PARA-ZIKI.

Not long ago ZIKI-USDT and PARA-BTC are added where many seen chance to join and enjoy in high APR. The latest farm, PARA-ZIKI, took our attention because it is farm of two Paraverse tokens, PARA and ZIKI.

As we know ZIKI token raised as platform token and there we can find several options, all with high APR.

The Number 1 AMM and yield farm on Binance Smart Chain, TzaTziki, is connected and operates with the help of Pancakeswap from where you can swap tokens, enter LP pools, etc.

Visit website:

How to join PARA-ZIKI, or any other farm on

After we connect our wallet with website (it support Metamask, Trust wallet and many others), navigate to Farms page. There we can find all recent farms. To be able to enter a farm we will need an LP token for a farm we want to stake. To get LP tokens for a particular farm we need to provide liquidity, in fact, to supply two tokens into a liquidity pool to get LP tokens. Then we can stake the given LP token and earn ZIKI (TzaTziki).

This is what we will do it now and show in pictures for this tutorial.

With connected wallet we navigate to farms and scroll page to find PARA-ZIKI farm. Press big blue button “Approve contract” (I already did on picture) and after confirmation in wallet we will get another button “Stake LP”.

Click on Stake LP button and it will show this:

We can see that we need LP token to be able to stake. Click on bottom text “Get PARA-ZIKI LP”, this will lead you on page where you need to supply both tokens to liquidity.

Since this page may not complete request to enter liquidity pool it is advisable to do it on Pancakeswap. Simply go to and press “ADD Liquidity” button. This will open popup where we need to choose token pairs (PARA and ZIKI).

After you find PARA in first and ZIKI in second field, click on “Add V2 Liquidity” below. In “deposit amount” fields you need to choose which amount of PARA and ZIKI you will supply. In this step there may be button which will ask to Approve Ziki, you need to do it. After that you ‘re free to continue and on confirming supply it will look like this:

You will see how many LP tokens you will get for your supply. “Confirm supply” and you will receive LP token in your wallet (need to approve in wallet first), and do not forget to add LP token to wallet when Pancakeswap ask (this is optional but I do it often).

Finally we can back to platform but this time when we press “Stake LP” button on PARA-ZIKI farm we will see that we now have LP token for stake.

Enter amount or just press MAX and Confirm. Once more it will ask to confirm in your wallet and you can start enjoy staking PARA-ZIKI LP token and receive ZIKI token in farm.


Keep in mind that you can on this way, following this tutorial, enter any farm on

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